Yeah, that's what I am at the moment...Bored! The studies of this lifetime seem to be over as of now & the next phase of the donkeys' work has not begun yet. So this is the gap between the "Brahmacharyaashram" & the "Gruhasthaashram". Having got nothing to do but to watch movies, enjoy TV & read books; not to mention eat, drink & sleep; I'm getting bugged.
But then, I want to get so bored of getting bored, that I never want to be bored again! So that when the time comes to work, I should not think about how I want free time to do this or that (because I'd've already done it!) though I could certainly use 5-day-weeks. Reports coming in from the un/fortunate souls who have joined their jobs, if are anything to go by, say that its a much more brutal world out there than I'm fantasizing about. That judgement is to be brought a stay order upon right now though.
So much for my boredom, huh!? And just by the way, Mr. Jim Davis; I don't give a damn about your Intellectual Property Rights...
Hasmukh :)
Enjoy it while it lasts... :)
hahahah.... boredom is like Demand yaar.... recurring in regular interval of time.... I dont think it'd be easy to fool the God of Boredom into thinking that you are bored of boredom!!... but yeah, all the best for your attempt!!... If you succeed.... tell me how~!!
thanx yaar for saving my attempt to write on the same......
All said and done, can't help the feeling. But I sure do know that it's only a matter of time. After all, June is not that far, is it?
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